Sunday, 19 June 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness SAL - June

Hi Stunners!!

Yes I'm still alive. Just a quick GG SAL post. Sorry there won't be any stitching pics as I haven't worked on anything gifted or to gift but I did buy a new chart which I am stitching as a gift. So at least there is another contender for this SAL.

Behold, Prince - The Legend from Tilton Crafts. The chart is no longer available as it was a limited edition. My bff loved, worshiped and adored the Purple icon and was gutted when the sad news of his death (murder!?) was announced. 

I won't be stitching the background, instead I will be using this piece from Sew it All, called Lilac Retro Designer Evenweave blingy fabric.  I think he would be pleased. My beautiful friend who this is a gift for, has not one crafty bone in her body and said she is hoping to get this by Christmas. I just laughed and laughed and laughed at her. Christmas 2017 maybe and that's pushing it. 

That's all for stitching.

I wanted to share this really cool app for those of us that have more than 1 or 2 projects on the go at once, you know us normal stitchers LOL!. It's called "Hours Tracker" and technically it's for employment purposes for wages but it can be adapted.

I have added a few screen shots for you to peruse.  The app is free for up to 3 jobs  (d'oh) but with 56 wips I had to buy the pro edition which allows for unlimited jobs/wips. It only cost 14AUD and is well worth it. 

In the past I have been logging hours worked on each wip manually to get a more accurate time it takes to complete.  With this many wips there are projects that I haven't picked up for 4 years.  So I recorded hours sttiched rather than weeks/months/years and lets face it decades :)) This involved a pretty journal, colourful gel pens and the stopwatch facility on my phone. 

However with this app it's all automatic. I haven't added all 56 wips yet, I'm adding them as I stitch on them. I've only had the app for less than a week.  

List of current jobs

Breakdown of what time was spent on each wip in a specified time period. Can check day, week or month. Not sure about yearly though. 

When you need to stop for food, beverages or changing the DVD you can hold down the Green button and it allows for breaks or just brief pauses and includes them in the calculations at the end of the stitching time. It also has a comment section so you can record how many stitches worked during that time or any other tidbits that keep it all up to date.  I think it's brilliant, though I'm still playing around with it.

For my visual journal of stash(including charts, kits, threads and fabric), kitted, started and finished wips I use the X-stitch app, which I believe a few of you already use so I won't bore you with those details. If you're interested in that someone on floss tube has a post on it that's pretty detailed.

And now for some cuteness.

My bff has adopted a new puppy and she asked me to be God-Dog-Mother to her. Here is my newest love - Lily Rose Marlow. She is 11 weeks old, Brindel Staffie Cross and a bundle of friskiness, energy and a little bit of naughtiness but just absolutely adorable.

That's all my beautiful friends. I'll post at the end of the month with all my May/June wips and I have been hard at work on some pretties. 

Happy stitching and I wish for all the magic in the galaxy to find its way into your lives. 

xoxo Alicia


  1. Love that Prince tribute and the gorgeous fabric you chose to stitch him on. I would rather not know how many hours I spend stitching!

  2. That is quite a cool app, I'll have to look into that.
    I love how long people who don't craft think things take, but I'm guilty of it as well, I've got three projects on the go at the moment that are all deadlined for the end of the month, I'm doomed!

  3. Awww I love the new puppy she's adorable! That fabric is a gorgeous choice!

  4. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Great chart choice. I really like the Dove that Jessie-Marie chose for her Prince tribute (if you follow her on Flosstube?)
    The app looks interesting but as I get almost constant interruptions from the Small Boy when I'm stitching I'd be sure to lose track of whether it was counting time or not!

  5. Love the Prince chart and the fabric you picked to stitch it on is perfect!! Tell her she will get it by a Christmas, you just don't know which one! :)

    Thanks for the app info but I don't know if I want to know how slow I am at stitching!! LOL

  6. Gorgeous fabric from SIA!!!
    Not keen on the Prince chart but I'm sure it won't stop you having many hours of fun for your friend ;) I love that she was hoping to get it for Christmas :D

  7. I enjoyed my visit to your blog this month.

  8. Nice to hear from you again =) The new Prince project looks very promising, you chose a great fabric! =)

  9. Aw man, Prince was such a part of my teen years. I love him, my parents were horrified. That's a lovely tribute. Did you see the HaED tribute that was available for free for all of about one minute? Really pretty.

    Lily Rose is a beauty!

  10. Thats a cool app. Will get it when i start my next project(whenever that might be). The puppy is gorgeous!


Hello Stunner! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I hope it made sense as I can rave on lunatic style when left unchecked. Any comment is appreciated and thank you for taking the time and brightening my day! xoxo