Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop 2017


Welcome my spooky friends to this years Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop 2017.

It is once again hosted by our Coven leader Jo of the world famous Serendipitous Stitching. I love Halloween and I hope you are all enjoying this eerie night. 

Below are some of my Halloween treats for you.

My favourite artist of the macabre and his interpretation of the Addams Family

Artist - Alessandro Della Pietra

My Halloween wip from Gecko Rouge

And my letter

Happy Halloween Stunners and now please follow the blood trail and severed head to :
My bored Nerdy Self blog ( - in case the link doesn't work) and collect your next letter my beautiful monsters.

Enjoy the candy stunners!!!

Love, whips and hisses

Alicia xoxo