Friday, 10 March 2017

February Finishes!

Hi Stunners! 

I had some page finishes in February that I'm so happy about. I was on leave for 3 weeks so managed to get a bit of stitching in. I didn't realise how much working for the man really interferes with stitching! 

Wip 1 - Our House from Gecko Rouge

Wip 2: David Bowie - Gecko Rouge

Wip 3: Snow White - Eclectic Blokes Design

And I managed 2200 stitches on Afterglow from Charting Creations but I will wait for the page finish before I post. The colours are incredible and I'm really loving it. I've also been working on Rose Zircon for the GG SAL so that will be in the next post.

Thanks for visiting stunners. I hope life is magical for you.

xox Alicia


  1. I love the colours you have been working on. Great progress!

  2. Wonderful progress on all of your projects Alicia.


  3. Great work on all you projects! Afterglow looks like a stunning design and I am excited to see your work on it =) I hope work will leave you with some more stitching time in the future so you can continue with those lovely designs ^^

  4. Wow, you really did focus on your stitching during your break! Lots of lovely colours too.

  5. Great progress. I did think I was reading the wrong blog when I saw it said finishes ;-) xx

  6. Beautiful progress on everything and looking forward to seeing Afterglow as well.

  7. Had to smile at Nic's comment! So cheeky ;)
    Great progress on all your lovely projects. Stitching holidays should be compulsory!!
    Afterglow must be pure bliss to stitch, with all those gorgeous colours.
    Have fun with your little crosses!

  8. Congrats on so many page finishes. Yay for stitching holidays!

  9. All beautiful pieces. I love afterglow. Yeah, I seem to have so little time for stitching because of work.

  10. WOW you made lots of progress Alicia! Everything looks good ;)

    Having to work does suck, but how else will you afford your addiction? LOL

  11. Amazing progress. Can´t wait to see more of your finishes :)

  12. Dude! How in the Honking Honk did I not know you had a blog? I've brb a terrible, terrible friend! Now, I'm gonna stalk...errr I mean read every single post. Tra la la.....

  13. Gorgeous progress I love all of the bright colors and variety

  14. Congrats on so many page finishes. Yay for stitching holidays!



Hello Stunner! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I hope it made sense as I can rave on lunatic style when left unchecked. Any comment is appreciated and thank you for taking the time and brightening my day! xoxo